
That's me.

Hello there readers,

and welcome to my first attempt at this blogging thing. You may or may not know me from the adult fanfiction circles and you may or may not know me from the fighting game circuit, but then again that's what blogging is for right? So here we go, the complete biographical information orientation (also know as BIO) of your host: me.

Alias: Mika Scaare
Age: 26
Nationality: Sweden
Gender: N/A
Consoles: PS3 and Neo Geo AES
Politics: Libertanian
Religion: Atheist
Personality: IMFP
Interests: Fighting games, shoujo-ai and writing
Quote: "Reality won't go away just because you stop believing in it."

That's the gist of it at least, if I can find anything else that could be stapled here I just might add it but I just needed a basic presentation for this one.

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