
Speak like the Devil

So humanity has this bad habit of finding wrongs in everything it does, even when the intentions are good. We invent ways to produce cheap quality food so that starvation in the western world is brought to an absolute minimum, then we stab ourselves in the back as we find out the consequences of our own actions. You see we've been breeding chickens to the point where they grow to full size seemingly over night and be ready for slaughter before we even managed to sell off the last batch. Now if you look into this further you will find that this breeding program where only the fattest and fastest growing birds are allowed to mate you will find that not only does it prove that our theory of evolution is indeed true but that our "God" has no control over it since it is humans calling all the shots.

Regardless of religious theories however it brings up an important question. Would it be better if we were to breed these chickens to the point where they are nothing more than sacks of meat with holes in them? You would simply have fill it up with corn and watch the sack of meat expand. Would it be easier to forsake our sympathy for something that no longer has eyes to see, a face to recognize, limbs to break or a brain to register pain? What if the animals we used to produce our meat actually kinda resembled that burger you see on display at your local joint? Only they add some photo shopped salad, cheese and a slice of bread.

If science was completely unchained by the morals of religion, vegetarians and money we could most likely actually do this. So speak like the devil if you want your meat to be an "it" that can be devoured with no sense of guilt. That is, if you can live without that emotion.


Tele 2 are mother fuckers

Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your pets. Tele 2 (or Comviq as they are also called in the cellphone biz) are mother fuckers and should be treated as such. All the money I saved on what seemed like a sweet deal as I changed from Telia, the no. 1 (albeit a bit expensive) telecommunication brand in the country, have been permanently lost because they are liberal assholes who think they can simply do what they please and use any excuse, no matter lame, to justify their actions just because they are one of the big guys.

Well I've got something to say to you,
fuck you Vigo Carlund and fuck you Lars-Johan Jarnheimer. It was one thing when you suddenly decided to use shit printers for the bills you were sending out (making them look like fucking hoax demands) to save money. but when you can't even take responsibility for your own blatant mistakes you get one angry customer. What? You didn't think I'd notice?
Well then...

Fuck you Tele 2.
Fuck you.


Enduralism, make it a word

Enduralism - The of power of which any aspect of human nature that is given its own name has to stay within the perimeters of human consciousness for at least as long as the word is used.

Think about it, in ancient times human had no words for "war" and as such we had no concept of "battle tactics" or "surrender". Now that those words are in our library however we also have a good image in our heads of what they mean. The same goes for sayings like "school shooting" or "going postal" both which weren't even concepts until recently.

So we may ask ourselves this; do people continue to perform the actions tied to these concepts simply because they now know of them or do they exist simply because something in our society has already changed on a fundamental basis, thus causing us to invent words for concepts that we have yet to understand?

But maybe we instead ought to ask ourselves; does it really matter? And if so, how can we possibly ever eliminate an entire concept from our public concsiousness when we already have a word for it? Even if we take the word out of our dictionaries people will still be familiar with the concepts "war" and "school shootings" for some time because of enduralism.

Think about it.


It's Sweden you SOB

Now I made a rant about the US yesterday and about how I admire their industrialism and I got some good political debates out of it. Naturally I despise right wing assholes who only think with their damn wallet as much as the next guy, and sure the US is full of them, but then again so are most other countries. Today I'll focus on something else entirely however even though it's still within the scope of the same topic. I was planning on writing this a little later but there was a chance that it may just fall out of topic so instead I'll just get it on right now while the previous blogg is still in everyone's minds. I call it "It's Sweden you SOB" and it will deal with the most common stereotypes I've encountered across the net and my thoughts on them, it'll be a simple list of facts that shouldn't be too hard for anyone to understand.

- First of all it's Sweden, not Sweeden, as much as it sounds funny to pronounce the extra E in there that's not how you spell it and it doesn't sound even remotely similar to what we call it in our own language.

- We are not the same country as Switzerland. Sweden is the really fucking long land mass just below the north pole and third largest country in Europe. Now Switzerland is a considerably smaller, yet also considerably more wealthy, country south of us next to the German border. So when it says Swiss chocolate, it's from Switzerland, not Sweden. The same goes for cheese.

- Unlike Switzerland we aren't particularly famous for our chocolate even though we produce som high quality shit over here. Instead we are well known for our masses of handsome women and the fact that we have more natural blondes than most other people.

- In my 26 years of living as a native in this country I have not once come across a any single person, dead or alive, by the name of Inga. If you are looking for actual names that are common here I'd say Maria, Sara and Linda are some of the most common names for girls as I know of several people (both celebrities and common people) with each. Seriously, even the spinoff Ingrid (which is an actual name here) is quite unusual, especially nowadays.

- Denmark is NOT our capital, seriously where did this come from? Denmark is a small country consisting partially of islands that lie directly south of our border across a small but noticable body of water. Sure it's only about an hour away from my current location and the trip there is probably cheaper than it is for me to visit my family up north but it's still on the other side of a fucking border. Our capital is Stockholm and theirs is called Coppenhagen in english, plain and simple.

And that's Sweden.


Ode to the US

I am well aware of my nationality as a Swede and I am quite aware of the fact that Europe as a whole had a tendency of looking down on the US as of late. Me on the other hand have had this strange admiration of everything north American for quite some time now and even with the stereotype of an American thinking very little of us just as we try to think very little of them it just seems a bit unfair to me. How and why? Well bear with me and I'll try to dot down exactly what I mean as have been pondering over my own fascination of that large country with many states in the west a lot lately.

First off, what do I like most about the US on a personal basis? Well it just so happens that there are a lot of things that the average US citizen can enjoy as easily as taking a ride down town. I am talking about wrestling TV shows every monday and friday night, I'm talking about going to a comic book store that actually has the latest issue of Supergirl ready for me, I'm talking about going to the Superbowl and watch one of the biggest sports events known to mankind, I'm talking about paying half as much for twice as much gasoline and I am talking about the mentality of trying to make everything faster, stronger, bigger, badder, better.

At home? I have none of that, lest I go the extra ten yards myself to import some of it at ridiculous prices. So yeah, it's with no small hint of envy that I look across that sea and the border in the west. I don't know about the rest of Europe or even other swedes for that matter but it's no secret that there's a lot of people out there right now with an evil eye glancing in the same direction as I am.

So I try to put myself in the position of an average US citizen, and even though I am fairly biased like my above statements suggest, it's easy to put yourself into the situation of someone from a country so small that your state alone covers a wider area calling you something like "world police", "fascist" or "patriotic garbage".

With the three items in order I can see how you won't like being called "world police" when you're a member of one of the few countries in the WORLD that can actually do something that could drastically change the outlooks of an entire nation and everyone that lives there. Needless to say it must be so easy to just roll your eyes and say "hey, what did your country do for humankind lately?"

Fascist? Well naturally a country of such large proportions needs a pretty strong regime to hold it all together. Looking at other examples like say China or Russia it would only be natural for any US citizen to simply brush that one off since surely their nation and population are in great shape compared to those two.

And lastly there's the whole patriotism issue. As a swede I am taught from an early age that nationalism is pretty much the same as racism, and you don't want to be racist do you? It's gone so far that wearing the swedish national flag on your clothes will almost automatically label you a racist and before you know it somone will have a grudge with you.

In the US I imagine it's quite easy to get past this issue since there all kinds of people living there. White, black, hispanic or whatever, if you're born an American then you'll be just as much of a US citizen as everyone else. As such Americans have little to no reason to make nationality into a racial issue and can instead go on about their business and parade their flag as they please.

So with that I am hoping I've been able make a point on why I like to tune in on American shows, read American comics and buy American food without feeling guilty about it. Hey I do the same for Japan anyways, they're a great country too. So if you don't agree well then there's the freedom of speech allowing you to keep dissing any American that crosses your line of sight, just remember that they can do the same to you, just for different reasons.

That's me.

Hello there readers,

and welcome to my first attempt at this blogging thing. You may or may not know me from the adult fanfiction circles and you may or may not know me from the fighting game circuit, but then again that's what blogging is for right? So here we go, the complete biographical information orientation (also know as BIO) of your host: me.

Alias: Mika Scaare
Age: 26
Nationality: Sweden
Gender: N/A
Consoles: PS3 and Neo Geo AES
Politics: Libertanian
Religion: Atheist
Personality: IMFP
Interests: Fighting games, shoujo-ai and writing
Quote: "Reality won't go away just because you stop believing in it."

That's the gist of it at least, if I can find anything else that could be stapled here I just might add it but I just needed a basic presentation for this one.