
It's Sweden you SOB

Now I made a rant about the US yesterday and about how I admire their industrialism and I got some good political debates out of it. Naturally I despise right wing assholes who only think with their damn wallet as much as the next guy, and sure the US is full of them, but then again so are most other countries. Today I'll focus on something else entirely however even though it's still within the scope of the same topic. I was planning on writing this a little later but there was a chance that it may just fall out of topic so instead I'll just get it on right now while the previous blogg is still in everyone's minds. I call it "It's Sweden you SOB" and it will deal with the most common stereotypes I've encountered across the net and my thoughts on them, it'll be a simple list of facts that shouldn't be too hard for anyone to understand.

- First of all it's Sweden, not Sweeden, as much as it sounds funny to pronounce the extra E in there that's not how you spell it and it doesn't sound even remotely similar to what we call it in our own language.

- We are not the same country as Switzerland. Sweden is the really fucking long land mass just below the north pole and third largest country in Europe. Now Switzerland is a considerably smaller, yet also considerably more wealthy, country south of us next to the German border. So when it says Swiss chocolate, it's from Switzerland, not Sweden. The same goes for cheese.

- Unlike Switzerland we aren't particularly famous for our chocolate even though we produce som high quality shit over here. Instead we are well known for our masses of handsome women and the fact that we have more natural blondes than most other people.

- In my 26 years of living as a native in this country I have not once come across a any single person, dead or alive, by the name of Inga. If you are looking for actual names that are common here I'd say Maria, Sara and Linda are some of the most common names for girls as I know of several people (both celebrities and common people) with each. Seriously, even the spinoff Ingrid (which is an actual name here) is quite unusual, especially nowadays.

- Denmark is NOT our capital, seriously where did this come from? Denmark is a small country consisting partially of islands that lie directly south of our border across a small but noticable body of water. Sure it's only about an hour away from my current location and the trip there is probably cheaper than it is for me to visit my family up north but it's still on the other side of a fucking border. Our capital is Stockholm and theirs is called Coppenhagen in english, plain and simple.

And that's Sweden.

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