
Speak like the Devil

So humanity has this bad habit of finding wrongs in everything it does, even when the intentions are good. We invent ways to produce cheap quality food so that starvation in the western world is brought to an absolute minimum, then we stab ourselves in the back as we find out the consequences of our own actions. You see we've been breeding chickens to the point where they grow to full size seemingly over night and be ready for slaughter before we even managed to sell off the last batch. Now if you look into this further you will find that this breeding program where only the fattest and fastest growing birds are allowed to mate you will find that not only does it prove that our theory of evolution is indeed true but that our "God" has no control over it since it is humans calling all the shots.

Regardless of religious theories however it brings up an important question. Would it be better if we were to breed these chickens to the point where they are nothing more than sacks of meat with holes in them? You would simply have fill it up with corn and watch the sack of meat expand. Would it be easier to forsake our sympathy for something that no longer has eyes to see, a face to recognize, limbs to break or a brain to register pain? What if the animals we used to produce our meat actually kinda resembled that burger you see on display at your local joint? Only they add some photo shopped salad, cheese and a slice of bread.

If science was completely unchained by the morals of religion, vegetarians and money we could most likely actually do this. So speak like the devil if you want your meat to be an "it" that can be devoured with no sense of guilt. That is, if you can live without that emotion.

1 comment:

Embergem said...

I already eat without feeling remorse for the animals that had to die for my food. Hell, I even wish for as many animals as possible to have died for my food.